This archive is by no means exhaustive; much of the information has been originally preserved here.
Speaker | |
Marek Biskup | A scaling limit of random walks among de-randomized conductances |
Evgeni Dimitrov | Global asymptotics for β-Krawtchouk corners processes |
Hao Wu | Multiple SLEs and Dyson Brownian motion |
Johannes Baumler | The truncation problem for long-range percolation |
Marco Carfagnini | Onsager-Machlup functional for SLE loop measure |
Puja Pandey | On the Equivalence of Statistical Distances for Isotropic Convex Measures in Discrete and Continuous setting |
Jorge Garza Vargas | From qualitative to quantitative results in Random Matrix Theory |
Speaker | |
Krzysztof Burdzy | Archimedes' Principle for a Ball in Ideal Gas |
Steven Evans | Markov chains associated with radix sort and PATRICIA, and their bridges |
Tom Hutchcroft | Percolation on Finite Transitive Graphs |
Tianyi Zheng | Liouville Property for Random Walks and Conformal Dimension |
The Ronald Getoor Lecture: Kavita Ramanan | Asymptotics of Interacting Particles on Sparse Random Graphs: from Typical to Atypical Behavior |
Pooja Agarwal | An SPDE limit for stochastic networks with reneging |
Saad Mouti | Rough volatility: From range-based to implied estimators |
Marianna Russkikh | Aztec diamond and Lorentz-minimal surface |
Speaker | |
Dmitrii Ostrovskii | Near-Optimal Procedures for Model Discrimination with Non-Disclosure Properties |
Brett Kolesnik | Random Coxeter tournaments |
David Jekel | Transport of measure in random matrix theory |
Adam Waterbury | Asymptotics and Approximation of Quasi-Stationary Distributions |
Davar Khoshnevisan | Dissipation in Parabolic SPDEs: Oscillation and decay of the solution |
Speaker | |
Ruth Williams | 50th year of the SCPS |
Swee Hong Chan | Sorting probability for Young diagrams |
Ruimeng Hu | Convergence Of Deep Fictitious Play For Stochastic Differential Games |
Alan Hammond | Stability and chaos in dynamical last passage percolation |
Marek Biskup, and others | Reminiscences of Tom Liggett |
Yuriy Nemish | Rational Functions of Random Matrices and Scattering in Quantum Dots |
Persi Diaconis | Gambler's Ruin with Three Gamblers |
Speaker | |
Moritz Voss | A two-player stochastic differential price impact game |
Mohamed Ndaoud | Improved clustering algorithms for the Bipartite Stochastic Block Model |
Bambad Hosseini | Function Space Metropolis-Hastings for Bayesian Inverse Problems with Non-Gaussian Priors |
Hanbaek Lyu | Scaling limit of soliton statistics of a multicolor box-ball system |
Mark Huber | Bernoulli factories, local correctness, and the Fundamental Theorem of Perfect Simulation |
Speaker | |
Steven Heilman | Minimal Gaussian Partitions, Clustering Hardness and Voting |
Wenpin Tang | Discrete and continuous ranking models |
Alex Shkolnik | Monte Carlo estimation for multivariate jump-diffusions |
Benson Au | The infinitesimal distribution of a random band matrix |
Rene Carmona | Mean Field Games with finite states in the weak formulation, and application to contract theory |
Speaker | Title |
Roman Vershynin | Deviations of random matrices and applications |
James-Michael Leahy | On the Navier-Stokes equation with rough transport noise |
Jean-Dominique Deuschel | Harnack inequality for degenerate balanced random random walks |
Reza Aghajani | Asymptotic analysis of multi-class queues with random order of service |
Gerard Ben Arous | Complexity of the spiked tensor model |
Speaker | Title |
Georg Menz | Variational principles for discrete maps |
Ruth Williams | Reflected Diffusions and (Bio)Chemical Reaction Networks |
Tom Trogdon | Universality in numerical computations with random data |
Nils Detering | Bootstrap Percolation in Directed Inhomgeneous Random Graphs |
Yuval Peres | Pinpointing mixing time in expanders and random graphs |
Speaker | Title |
Tianyi Zheng | Applications of Markov type to infinite groups |
Pierre-François Rodriguez | On level set percolation for the Gaussian free field |
Andrey Sarantsev | Infinite systems of competing Brownian particles |
Badal Joshi | Detailed balance, Complex balance, and Product-Form Stationary Distribution in Stochastic Models of Reaction Networks |
Sourav Chatterjee | Gauge-string duality in lattice gauge theories |
Speaker | Title |
Omer Angel | Planar Unimodular graphs |
Steven Heilman | Strong Contraction and Influences in Tail Spaces |
Vilmos Prokaj | On the ergodicity of the Lévy transformation |
Sneha Subramanian | Zeros of the derivatives of random polynomials and random entire functions |
Tobias Johnson | The frog model on trees |
Speaker | Title |
Jason Schweinsberg | Critical branching Brownian motion with absorption |
Qi He | Large and moderate deviations of two-time-scale Markovian switching systems |
James Zhao | Expand and Contract: A Technique for Combinatorial Sampling |
Eviatar B. Procaccia | Quenched invariance principle for simple random walk on clusters in correlated percolation models |
Marco Frittelli | Conditional evenly convex sets and the representation of conditional maps |
Speaker | Title |
Chuck Newman | Coarsening Models |
Alexandra Chronopoulou | Sequential Change Detection for Fractional SDEs |
Tonci Antunovic | Tug-of-War and the Infinity Laplace Equation With Neumann Boundary Conditions |
Quentin Berger | Influence of a Correlated Disorder in the Polymer Pinning Model |
Bruce Driver | Feynman Path Integrals in Curved Spaces |
Speaker | Title |
Jinquiao Duan | Random Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian Noises |
Tom Alberts | The Continuum Directed Random Polymer and the KPZ Universality Class |
Allan Sly | Asymptotic Learning on Social Networks |
Tomoyuki Ichiba | On collision of Brownian particles and applications |
Konstantin Zuev | Markov Chain Monte Carlo Revolution in Reliability Engineering |
Speaker | Title |
Oren Louidor | Mixing time analysis of the Glauber dynamics for the Curie-Weiss Potts Model |
Jin Ma | Recent developments on forward-backward stochastic differential equations |
Rohini Kumar | Small time asymptotics for fast mean-reverting stochastic volatility models |
Jim Pitman | Concave majorants of random walks and Lévy processes |
Todd Kemp | Chaos and the fourth moment |
Speaker | Title |
J. Michael Harrison | On the positive recurrence of semimartingale reflecting Brownian motions in three (and higher) dimensions |
Weian Zheng | How to match two pictures |
Sebastien Roch | Probabilistic techniques in mathematical phylogenetics |
Ery Arias-Castro | Detection of an abnormal cluster in a network |
Sergey Lototsky | Parameter estimation in stochastic equations that are second-order in time |
Michael Ludkovski | A simulation approach to optimal stopping under partial information |
Speaker | Title |
Chris Hoffman | Dynamical random walks and percolation |
Benny Sudakov | On the random satisfiable process |
Pietro Caputo | Relaxation to equilibrium in polymer models and lozenge tilings |
Jason Fulman | Commutation relations and Markov chains |
Lincoln Chayes | Critical behavior of 2D percolating systems: A (modest) result concerning universality |
Speaker | Title |
Ken Alexander | The effect of disorder on polymer depinning transitions |
Alexei Borodin | Large time fluctuations of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process |
Jean-Pierre Fouque | On Volatilities |
Amber Puha | The Fluid Limit of a Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queue |
Jack Xin | Asymptotic front speeds in random flows |
Speaker | Title |
Thomas Liggett | Correlation Inequalities and the Contact Process: Ted Harris and Beyond |
Peter Baxendale | Stirring processes and random sources for stochastic flows |
David Aldous | Probability and Spatial Networks |
Nikolaos Zygouras | Lyapounov norms for random walks in a random potential and dimension greater than three |
Speaker | Title |
Larry Goldstein | Zero Biasing and Combinatorial Central Limit Theorems |
Karen Ball | Stochastic models for multiscale chemical reaction kinetics |
Sourav Chatterjee | Duality Between Normal Approximation and Concentration Around the Mean |
Noam Berger | Quenched Invariance Principle for Random Walk on Percolation Clusters |
Pat Fitzsimmons | Intersections and Infinite Divisibility of Regenerative Sets |
Speaker | Title |
Remigijus Mikulevicius | On the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation |
Yuval Peres | Point processes, the stable marriage algorithm, and Gaussian power series |
Jason Schweinsberg | Exchangeable coalescent processes and the genealogy of branching processes |
Janos Englander | Branching Brownian motion in a random environment |
Mike Cranston | Some results on the parabolic Anderson model |
Speaker | Title |
Jianfeng Zhang | L2-modulus and Numerical Methods for Backward SDEs |
Chris Burdzy | Trap domains for reflected Browninan motion |
Silke Rolles | Edge-reinforced random walk on a ladder |
Robert Adler | Random Fields on Manifolds |
Magdalena Musat | Interpolation techniques and inequalities for non-commutative martingales |
Speaker | Title |
Amir Dembo | Aging and fluctuation-dissipation theorem |
Knut Solna | Option pricing with stochastic volatility |
Marek Biskup | Critical scale for droplet formation in the 2D Ising model |
Guillaume Bonnet | The Burgers Superprocess |
Ken Alexander | Saline over the bounding domain: a toy model for freezing with impurities |
Speaker | Title |
René Carmona | Weather Derivatives |
Boris Rozovskii | A nonlinear filtering approach to volatility estimation |
Weian Zheng | To discretize a backward SDE |
Jaksa Cvitanic | Efficient computation of heding portfolios for options with discontinuous payoffs |
Ronnie Sircar | Approximations for some stochastic control problems in financial engineering |
Roberto Schonmann | Stretched exponential fixation in stochastic Ising model at zero temperature |
Davar Khoshnevisan | Locally grown random sets |
Peter Kotelenez | NA |
Frederi Viens | Lower (and hopefully sharp upper) bounds on the almost sure Lyapunov exponent for a stochastic PDE |
Giray Okten | Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods in option pricing |
Sergey Lototsky | Nonlinear recursive estimation algorithms |
Yesim Tokat | Asset liability management: A review and some new results in the presence of heavy tails |
Luis Roman | Rate of convergence in homogenization of parabolic PDEs |
Anastasia Ruzmaikina | Quasi-stationary states of Indy 500 model |
Speaker | Title |
Cindy Greenwood | In search of a 1/f theorem |
Persi Diaconis | A Bayesian peek into Feller Volume 1 |
Susan Holmes | Random walks on tree space |
Bruce Driver | Quantized Yang-Mills Theory, Chaos Expansions and Hall's Transform |
Roberto Schonmann | Statistical mechanics on graphs |
Speaker | Title |
Jaksa Cvitanic | On portfolio optimization in incomplete markets |
Alexander Holroyd | Entanglement percolation and boundary conditions |
Steven Evans | Antagonistic superprocesses |
Enrique Andjel | An asymptotic shape theorem for an infection model |
Ruth Williams | Dynamic scheduling of a parallel server system in heavy traffic |
Speaker | Title |
Norio Konno | Survival probabilities and correlation inequalities for two-neighbor stochastic cellular automata |
Amber Puha | A Reversible Interacting Particle System on the Binary Tree |
Rick Schoenberg | There are no Poisson image processes |
Jim Pitman | Coalescent processes associated with random trees, Brownian excursions and stable subordinators |
H. Zhao | Solutions to a Class of Multi-dimensional SPDEs |
Speaker | Title |
Abel Klein | Localization of light in random media |
Richard Arratia | Two conjectures in probabilistic number theory |
Pat Fitzsimmons | Markov processes with identical bridge laws |
Raya Feldman | Filtering from observations with Lévy noise |
Tom Mountford | Convergence results for citical newest particle systems |
Speaker | Title |
Ken Alexander | The asymmetric random cluster model and comparisons among Potts models |
Alan Stacey | A strict inequality between site and bond critical probabilities |
Robert Burton | Mixing and determinism in random fields |
Roberto Schonmann | The Ising model in recent years: Wulff droplets, metastability, and strong mixing properties |
Peter Baxendale | Almost sure mixing for stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms |
Janko Gravner | Properties of critical threshold growth dynamics |
David Aldous | Deterministic and stochastic models for coalescence: A survey of the mean field theory |
Uri Keich | A possible definition of a stationary tangent process |
Vladimir Piterbarg | Convergence of rescaled isotropic flows to a coalescing flow |
Amber Puha | Critical values for reversible growth models on trees |
Francis Su | Rates of convergence for random walks on S1 and S2 |
Sherry Masooman | High temperature and strong magnetic field phases of long range random Ising models |
Intae Jeon | Gelation phenomena |
Speaker | Title |
Ed Waymire | Positive T-martingales and cascades: some theory and examples |
Emily Puckette | The Disconnection Exponent for Simple Random Walk |
V. Metz | Traces of Markov Processes Used in Renormalization on Nested Fractals |
Senya Shlosman | Staggered phases in systems with continuous symmetry, produced by the annealed disorder |
Francis Comets | Spin glass mean-field model at high temperature and stochastic calculus |
Thomas Liggett | Multiple transition points for the contact process on the binary tree |
Speaker | Title |
Torgny Lindvall | NA |
Hyungsok Ahn | NA |
Gesine Reinert | NA |
René Carmona | NA |
Speaker | Title |
Richard Arratia | NA |
Bruce Driver | NA |
Christian Borgs | NA |
Mihael Perman | NA |
Speaker | Title |
Roman Kotecký | The dynamics of droplet growth for asymmetric Ising models |
Harry Cohn | Random matrices and multitype population models |
Boris Rozovskii | On parameter estimation for stochastic differential equations |
Lincoln Chayes | NA |
Yosef Rinott | Coupling and limit theorems |
Speaker | Title |
Abel Klein | Contact and percolation processes in a disordered environment |
Richard Sowers | Some new results for stochastic parabolic PDE's with white noise perturbations |
Rajeeva Karandikar | Invariant measures and evolution equations for Markov processes characterized via martingale problems |
Weian Zheng | Brownian motion on a non-smooth Riemannian manifold |
Simon Tavaré | Independent process approximations for combinatorial structures |
Speaker | Title |
Claudia Neuhauser | Forest fires with regrowth in D=2 |
Jean-Pierre Fouque | Hydrodynamics for totally asymmetric attractive particle system with general initial profiles |
Eric Grannan | Mathematical models of catalytic surfaces |
Thomas Liggett | The contact process in a random environment |
C. Tang | Droplet model for autocorrelation functions in an Ising ferromagnet |
Joe Watkins | Symmetry and change of measure |
Ken Alexander | Random laws for stationary processes |
David Barsky | Continuity of the percolation transition |
Mathew Penrose | Quantum sticky spheres and Bessel bridges |
Jennifer Chayes | Nature of the critical phenomenon in self-organized criticality |
Speaker | Title |
Glen Swindle | Convergence results for the exclusion process |
Steven Kalikow | Explicit isomorphism of infinite entropy transformations |
Neil Falkner | Non-randomized Skorokhod stopping for right processes |
Massimo Campanino | d+1 dimensional percolation with d dimensional disorder and related models |
Steven Evans | Self-avoiding walk on a hierarchical lattice in 4 dimensions |
Speaker | Title |
Steven Orey | NA |
Yves Le Jan | Asymptotic Properties of Isotropic Brownian Flows |
Richard Durrett | A New Method for Proving the Existence of Phase Transitions |
Thomas Liggett | Spatially Inhomogeneous Contact Processes |
David Griffeath | Cyclic Cellular Automata in Two Dimensions |
Theodore Cox | Some Remarks on the Theory of Critical Branching Random Walk |
Peter Ney | Branching Random Walk |
Charles Newman | Dynamic Renormalization and Continuity of the Percolation Transitions in Orthants |
Harry Kesten | Asymptotics in High Dimensions for the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Random Cluster Model |
Richard Holley | On the Asymptotics of the Spin-Spin Autocorrelation Function in Stochastic Ising Models Near the Critical Temperature |
Peter Baxendale | Statistical Equilibrium and Two-Point Motion for a Stochastic Flow of Diffeomorphisms |
Hiroshi Kunita | Ergodic Properties of Nonlinear Filtering Processes |
Speaker | Title |
Ken Alexander | NA |
Tom Mountford | NA |
Charles Newman | NA |
Richard Holley | NA |
Pat Fitzsimmons | NA |
Tom Salisbury | NA |
Speaker | Title |
Sidney Port | New results on the occupation time and range of infinitely divisible processes |
Masao Nagasawa | A statistical model for segregation of populations |
Hirofumi Osada | Propogation of chaos for the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equation |
Yosef Rinott | Inequalities for multivariate infinitely divisible processes |
Joe Watkins | The Donsker-Strassen program for Lie groupsy |
Philip Protter | Integrating anticipating processes |
Speaker | Title |
Paul Chacon | Barrier stopping times nd the filling scheme |
Shinichi Kotani | Global and local analysis in the study of random spectra |
David Aldous | Eigenvalues and probabilities for Markov processes |
Hermann Thorisson | On maximal and distributional coupling |
Joe Gani | Some problems of epidemic theory |
Speaker | Title |
Richard Arratia | Critical phenomena for sequence matching |
René Carmona | Existence results in Nelson's stochastic mechanics |
Sándor Csöorgő | What portion of the sample makes a partial sum asymptotically normal or stable? |
Ruth Williams | Reflected Brownian motion in a polygonal region |
Donald Ylvisaker | Prediction and maps |
Speaker | Title |
Anestis Antoniadis | An infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and statistical applications |
Janos Komlos | Probabilistic methods in combinatoriccs and computer science |
Richard Darling | Martingales with values in a manifold |
David Gilat | On the distribution of maxima of martingales |
Richard Durrett | On the phase transition in Galton-Watson processes |
Speaker | Title |
Thomas Liggett | A comparison theorem for reversible Markov chains—with applications to particle systems |
Ross Pinsky | Large deviations for Markov processes |
Joseph Glover | Balayage and time changes of Markov processes |
Martin Jacobsen | Characterizations of co-optional times |
Mark Kac | Some analytic aspects of function space integration |
Speaker | Title |
Bruce Atkinson | Optional times of a Markov process |
Richard Durrett | The basic contact process, 1980-1981 |
Terry Lyons | Some classical theorems in analysis—a probabilistic approach |
Michael Sharpe | Birth and death times for Markov processes |
René Carmona | Exponential moments for hitting times of uniformly ergodic Markov processes |
Speaker | Title |
Michael D. Brennan | Renewal and branching processes generated by random partition of (0,1) |
Barry Simon | Brownian motion and Harnack's inequality for Schrödinger operators |
Richard Arratia | Coalescing random walks on Zd |
Talma Leviatan | Markov processes with random starting time |
M.M. Rao | Harmonizable processes |
Speaker | Title |
Abel Klein | Stochastic processes associated with quantum systems |
Richard Vitale | Some results and perspectives in geometric probability theory |
Peter Walters | The theory and applications of topological Markov chains |
Herbert Heyer | Hemigroups of probability measures on a Lie group |
Speaker | Title |
Stephen Book | Large deviation probabilities and some recent applications |
Thomas Liggett | Exclusion processes with long excursions |
Albert Wang | Gamma variation of singular functions of Brownian motion |
Murray Rosenblatt | Some limit theorems for strongly dependent processes |
Speaker | Title |
Ronald Getoor | Excursions of a Markov Process |
Theodore Cox | Entrance Laws and Markov Processes with Time Parameter (-∞,+∞) |
Philip Protter | Hp Stability of solutions of stochastic differential equations |
Charles Stone | Potential theory for recurrent symmetric infinitely divisible processes |
Theodore Harris | Random flows in the plane induced by stochastic differential equations |
Speaker | Title |
NA | NA |
Speaker | Title |
NA | NA |
Speaker | Title |
Theodore Harris | Associate processes |
Clifford Qualls | A law of the iterated logarithm for Gaussian processes |
Howard Tucker | On admissible translates of infinitely divisible distributions |
Christian Berg | Transience properties of random walks on non-amenable groups |
Martin Silverstein | Classification of symmetric semigroups dominating a given one |
Ronald Getoor | Some recent developments in the theory of Markkov processes |