Southern California Probability Symposium
Univ. of Southern California
Saturday December 3, 2011
All talks in Kaprelian Hall (KAP)
414, breaks in KAP 410.
Turn right as you exit the elevator.
9:15 - 9:50 Coffee and bagels
9:50 - 10:40 Jinqiao
Institute of Technology, "Random Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian
10:40 - 11:10 BREAK
11:10 - 12:00 Tom Alberts, Cal Tech, "The Continuum Directed
Random Polymer and the KPZ Universality Class"
12:00 - 2:00 LUNCH
2:00 - 2:50 Allan
Berkeley, "Asymptotic Learning on Social Networks"
2:50 - 3:20 BREAK
3:20 - 4:10 Tomoyuki
Barbara, "On collision of Brownian particles and applications"
4:10 - 5:00 Konstantin
USC, "Markov Chain Monte Carlo Revolution in Reliability Engineering"
Practical items:
map Directions
Free parking is available--just tell the parking booth attendant that
you are going to the Southern California Probability Symposium.
On Saturdays the only entrance likely to be open is Entrance 5, on the
northern edge of campus at Jefferson Blvd. and McClintock Ave.
Sometimes Entrance 1 off Exposition Blvd. on the south side of campus
is open as well--you can look if you pass by; if the gate is closed it
will be readily apparent.
Kaprelian Hall is on the western edge of campus, at the intersection of
Vermont Ave. and 36th Place.
Ken Alexander, alexandr (at) usc (dot) edu
Peter Baxendale, baxendal (at) usc (dot) edu
Please email one of the organizers if you would like to attend the
Thanks to Tom Liggett and Jim Pitman for putting together the
following: The
history of SCPS
Tomoyuki Ichiba
Title: On collision of Brownian particles and applications
In this talk we examine the colliding behavior of Brownian particles
which diffuse on the real line determined by a class of stochastic
differential equations. The absence and the presence of triple (or
higher order) collisions among the particles are crucial in analysis of
local time processes accumulated by these collisions. Especially, this
analysis sheds light on some important characteristics (e.g.,
identification, solvability, time-reversal, invariant distributions) of
the stochastic system with piece-wise constant or degenerate
coefficients. As case studies, we consider a financial equity market
model with rank based characteristics as well as a systemic risk
analysis of interbank lending system.
Tom Alberts
Title: The Continuum Directed Random Polymer and the KPZ Universality
The discrete directed polymer model is a well studied example of a
Gibbsian disordered system and a random walk in a random environment.
The usual goal is to understand how the random environment affects the
behavior of the underlying walk and how this behavior varies with a
temperature parameter that determines the strength of the environment.
At infinite temperature the environment has no effect and the walk is
the simple random walk, while at zero temperature the environment
dominates and the walk follows a single path along which the
environment is largest. For temperatures in between there is a
competition between the walk wanting to behave diffusively (like simple
random walk) and following a path of highest energy (like last passage
In this talk I will describe recent joint work with Kostya Khanin and
Jeremy Quastel for taking a scaling limit of the directed polymer model
to construct a continuous path in a continuum environment. We end up
with a one-parameter family of random probability measures (indexed by
the temperature parameter) that we call the continuum directed random
polymer. As the temperature parameter varies the paths cross over from
Brownian motion to what is conjectured to be a continuum limit of last
passage percolation. This cross over is an inherent feature of the KPZ
universality class, which I will also briefly
Konstantin Zuev
Title: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Revolution in Reliability Engineering
One of the most important and computationally challenging problems in
reliability engineering is to estimate the failure probability for a
dynamic system, that is, the probability of unacceptable system
performance. The failure probability is usually expressed as an
integral over a high-dimensional parameter space that is difficult to
evaluate numerically. Over the past decade, the engineering research
community has realized the importance of stochastic simulation methods
for reliability analysis that are based on Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) algorithms. In this talk, in the spirit of a recent paper by
Persi Diaconis with a similar title, I will describe the MCMC
revolution that has happened over the last decade in the field of
reliability engineering that lies at the boundary of engineering
sciences and applied probability.
Jinqiao Duan
Title: Random Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian Noises
Gaussian processes, such as Brownian motion, have been widely used in
modeling fluctuations, while some complex phenomena in engineering and
science involve non-Gaussian Levy noises. Thus dynamical systems driven
by non-Gaussian noises have attracted considerable attention recently.
The speaker first reviews dynamical issues for nonlinear systems with
non-Gaussian Levy noises, and then presents recent work on the escape
probability, bifurcation and random invariant manifolds.
Non-Gaussianity of the noises manifests as nonlocality at some
‘macroscopic’ level. The differences in dynamics under Gaussian and
non-Gaussian noises are highlighted, theoretically or
Allan Sly
Asymptotic Learning on Social Networks
We consider a model of social learning consisting of Bayesian agents
connected by a network who are each given an independent signal about
an unknown state of the world. The agents proceed to
iteratively communicate their beliefs to their neighbours saying which
state they believe is more likely and learn from their neighbours
beliefs. We study the question of asymptotic learning: do all
agents learn the state of the world with probability that approaches
one as the number of agents tends to infinity?
Joint work with Elchanan Mossel and Omer Tamuz.