The Southern Californian Probability Symposium will be held
Sunday, December 3, 2000 at UCLA.
LOCATION: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room 6627, UCLA.
9:45 Coffee and Bagels, MS 6627
10:15-11:00 Cindy Greenwood, Arizona State University,
"In search of a 1/f theorem"
The power spectrum of a time series, i.e. of a realization of a discrete
time stochastic process, often has the form 1/f over a large range. We
suggest that a theorem is hiding here, and start the search.
Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 Persi Diaconis, Stanford,
"A Bayesian peek into Feller volume 1"
Abstract: Classical elementary probability
problems come alive when we own up: The
underlying probabilities are unknown.
This is joint work with Susan Holmes
1:45-2:30 Susan Holmes, Stanford,
"Random walks on tree space"
Abstract: Many methods in biology use Monte
Carlo Markov chains on the space of binary
trees. Very little is known of the rates of
convergence of these chains to their stationary
distribution. I will present one analysis of
such a random walk where we can give a bound on
This is joint work with Persi Diaconis
2:35-3:20 Bruce Driver, UCSD,
"Quantized Yang-Mills Theory, Chaos Expansions
and Hall's Transform"
Refreshment Break
3:45-4:30 Roberto Schonmann, UCLA,
"Statistical mechanics on graphs"
Abstract: This talk will be meant as an
introduction to the growing area of statistical
mechanics on graphs and more specifically to
percolation on graphs. The emphasis will be on
graphs that can be seen as models of crystals in
a non-Euclidean space.
Among the most interesting features of statistical
mechanics on "non-Euclidean graphs" is the splitting
of critical points, giving rise to regimes and
phenomena that are absent in the "Euclidean case".
In addition, the critical behavior is expected then
to be of mean-field nature, and this conjecture has
been proved to hold in extreme cases.
5:00 Dinner at the Olive Garden on Westwood Blvd.,
located 1/2 a block south of campus (see below).
DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS: You can find a map of the UCLA campus
by clicking here.
Take the 405 Freeway (going north if driving from LAX) to Wilshire Blvd.
exit. Go east on Wilshire for several blocks. Make a left on Westwood
Blvd. Follow Westwood Blvd. to campus.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: Get a sticker at the kiosk on Westwood Blvd.
($6 for those who don't have UC permits, free for those who do) and
park in lot 9.
DINNER: The reservation is for 5 pm. Please arrive promptly. The
Olive Garden Restaurant has agreed to take our reservation provided
that we arrive on time (they will hold the table for 15 minutes
and will seat our party when 90% of the party has arrived). If
you would like to go to the dinner, please send email to Amber Puha
at by Wednesday, November 29. A final count will
be taken the day of the conference.
EMAIL LIST: To be added to or deleted from the email list, please
send requests to Amber Puha at
QUESTIONS: Send e-mail to Ruth Williams at