Talk by Oren Louidor (UCLA)
Title: Mixing time analysis of the Glauber Dynamics for Curie-Weiss Potts Model
We consider the discrete-time Glauber dynamics for the q-states Potts
model on the complete graph with n vertices and analyze its mixing
time, namely the time it takes until the state distribution is close
enough to the Potts distribution, starting from the worst possible
initial state. In the disorder phase \beta < \beta_c(q), we discover
a critical inverse temperature 0 < \beta_d(q) < \beta_c(q) above
which mixing time is exponential and below which mixing time is
asymptotically C(\beta, q) n \log(n) where C(\beta, q) is known
explicitly. In the latter case we prove that the chain exhibits a
cutoff with a window of order n, namely after an initial C(\beta, q)
n log(n) time the state distribution becomes arbitrarily close to
the stationary one in O(n) time. We also analyze the mixing time when
the temperature is critical for mixing and more generally when \beta
converges to \beta_d(q) with n. In this case the mixing time depends
on how fast this convergence is and cutoff appears as long as the
rate of convergence is slower then some critical threshold which we
identify. In particular in the mixing-critical case we get
\Theta(n^{4/3}) mixing time and no cutoff. We also discuss the
essential mixing time of the chain and show that it is C(\beta, q) n
log(n) for all \beta < \beta_c(q). More precisely, the set of
initial states starting from which mixing time is slower than
C(\beta, q) n log(n) has exponentially small probability under the
Potts distribution.